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Otago/Southland News with Moss Wylie

Welcome to Invercargill correspondent, Moss Wylie. Good weather and plenty of good bridge down South.

The “Indian summer” continues down south with long warm days. (It’s not too bad further north, either!) With duck hunting started, the birds are flying high in clear skies.

Teams Bridge in Invercargill is well under way, with most tables full.

Focus on Fergus

Fergus More

Fergus More (NZ Bridge’s honorary solicitor) has played teams about once a month for many a year.With more time now that the family is growing up, Fergus has started to play a little more. Last year playing with Bruce Batchelor, they played the NZ Pairs at the National congress where they made the Plate final.  


On the following deal declarer make the fatal mistake of drawing trumps before testing the hearts.

North Deals
None Vul
9 7 5
K Q 8 7 4
A 9
9 7 6
A J 2
K 10 8 4 3
Q J 10 3
W   E
8 6 2
10 6 3
Q 7 6 5
K 8 5
A K Q J 10 4
9 5
J 2
A 4 2
4  by South


Fergus, West, led Club-smallQ. When declarer finally played on hearts Fergus held up his ace. With no way back to hand to repeat the exercise the contract drifted one off. Good duck,Fergus.

"Murihiku" Weekend

 April 30th  saw the Murihiku Teams run its course in Invercargill with the Pairs event held on the Sunday.

The Licensing Trust generously sponsored $1000 towards running the tournament. Ladies from Inner-wheel produced a hearty midday meal both days.

Bradley Johnston and Glenn Coutts along with Ellena Moskovsky and James Coutts won the Teams’ event from start to finish. It was Bradley’s 21st birthday. So, gifts all round.

A Sensational Lead

The “mouldy two” stuck its ugly head in the following deal.


East Deals
E-W Vul
Q 10 3
A 10 9 5 4
A 9 6 4
K 8 6
A Q 9 5
K J 8 3 2
W   E
9 2
K Q 7 3 2
K 10 6 3
Q 7
A J 7 5 4
J 8
J 7 4 2
10 5
West North East South
    2  Pass
2 NT Pass 3  Pass
3 NT All pass    
3 NT by West


The “mouldy two” was all the rage late last century. It shows a 2 suited hand, an unspecified 5 card major (I have seen Michael Ware do it on 4) with an unspecified 4+ card minor.

A few years back they were banned from Pairs play because a 2 suited opening needs an anchor suit. In teams the “mouldy two” is still legal.

East had the right hand to open a mouldy 2 at Teams and vulnerable. West enquired with 2NT, East’s 3Club-small showing a maximum with hearts. West then punted the 9 trick game hoping for a pick up.

Kath Glover sitting North produced the attacking lead of the Spade-smallQ. With an encouraging signal from her partner, the contract was soon down two.

The leading of any other suit would have allowed declarer the opportunity to wrap up the game.

Well done, Kath.

The Pairs saw Ellena Moskovsky and James Coutts complete the double. They headed off Margaret Perley & Paul Freeland, also from Dunedin, by a comfortable margin.

James and Ellena

The "double" winners down South, James Coutts and Ellena Moskovsky


Moss Wylie




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