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Launch of Directing, Teaching and Master Solvers forums

Over 2,000 people have registered on the this NZB website and it seems a good time to add new forums to encourage exchanges of ideas and opinions within the bridge community. These replace the Directing and Teaching forums moderated by Peter Bowyer on Google E-Groups, and the Master Solver puzzles from the old NZ Bridge Magazine.

Both Peter and I would like to take the opportunity to thank the many contributors over the years and hope that the new location and format will be equally successful.

The three Forums appear within the My NZB menu item on the top right of the main website menu

Anybody can read the forum posts but only logged in registered people can create posts and threads. This is a little different from the previous approach where everything was vetted before publication. So take care before you hit that button.

All very best regards, and please... spread the word!

Richard Solomon
New Zealand Bridge Inc

PS Within the My NZB page you can define your interests areas more closely.

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