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Board News

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They meet almost every month, have phone-ins at regular intervals and as individuals are constantly working for the betterment of our game. What do they talk about? Well, we can bring you some of the conversation, with a different approach to what you read…or do not read…in the Minutes.

Firstly, their last meeting was in early March, shortly before the announcement of the results of this year’s Board Elections. As you may know, we have 6 Board members (that is apart from Chairman Arie) who must seek re-election every three years (two per annum). That’s a healthy part of the constitution which is even healthier when the election is contested as was this year’s. In fact, Shirley Newton did not seek re-election leaving the election to be between the sitting Board member, Auckland Bridge Club’s immediate past President, Anthony Hopkins, and two new or not so new names, Noel Woodhall from Havelock North, who served on the old NZCBA Management Committee and more recently as National Recorder, and Auckland’s Carol Richardson, who has been a regular in the New Zealand Women’s Team in recent years.

As you may have heard, the vote, among our bridge clubs, elected Carol and Noel to the Board. We will tell you a bit more about “the newbies” and thank Shirley and Anthony next time.

Carol RichardsonNoel Woodhall

New Board members from 1st April, Carol and Noel

Talking of elections, the next ones are for our Regional Committees, whose role is a link between Board and Clubs. If you have ever thought of standing, then right now is the time to turn thought into action. “Give a little” for all the enjoyment we get out of our game. That’s a good thought and a period on your Regional Committee would be one way many could “give”.

…and talking of the Board, we have mentioned the composition of the Board. There are a few others invited along to attend the Meetings. We do not get to vote but the Board must think it is worthwhile having us along. “We” are The Secretary, Alister Stuck. Every meeting has one…a secretary, that is…and we have a very good one. There’s also Chief Director, Murray Wiggins, who makes up a strong trio of directing presence. Allan Joseph is also there while rumour has it that Arie has done his share too. Finally, in attendance and certainly not as a director, there’s me.

So, what’s been happening? The new or revamped New Zealand Bridge website is being watched closely by the Board.  About 1800 people have registered so far. While that is still a small percentage of our bridge population, the Board are happy with that figure so far. Development is on-going with the clearest example of that being the Congress features which should all be up and running in early April. The information re Congress is all there but not the means to enter, just yet.

Are you still a bit lax about having a completed system card with you at tournaments? Well, especially if you play in 10A events or above…and that includes several events at the National Congress…then you will need to be a little “less lax” from now on. The Board have issued a directive for directors “to enforce the Systems Card policy” at these events. So please, just take a few minutes to complete the NZ Bridge cards (easy to find under the “Resources” tag on this website) and carry a card with you at the bridge table. click here

If you are interested in New Zealand Bridge’s Social Media Policy, then it is currently being reviewed by NZB’s lawyers with a revised draft to be ready for the May Board Meeting. So, hopefully, this will satisfy those who expressed concern with parts of the original policy. The Board is this space.

The Board has received reports on all three Trials selecting events to select our 2016 National Teams. The reports indicated that they were three very successful and well run events, satisfying (can we ever really satisfy bridge players? We try!) the large fields of 38,28 and 36 teams who took part. What was especially satisfying is that several players / teams, who were not involved in the Trials selection, were prepared to travel considerable distances to take part. Whatever one thinks of the selection process for international teams, these events create interest with our top players being more visible.

The names of those who will represent this country in Poland at the Olympiad have been well published. We all wish them well come August.

New Zealand Bridge has been receiving some favourable comments from bridge teachers and clubs about the cinema advertisement promoting our game to prospective players and also about the videos of the Beginners Lessons which are now available for all on the NZB website. Check out the cinema offer for your club and look at the videos. They help those who go to the lessons (a good re-enforcer of what the teacher said) or a must for those who missed a class. You could even use them in the class-room. Well worth a look….

And if you are a teacher, don’t forget the Teachers Conference in mid- July. Now is the time to start planning to come to Pukekohe.  click here

That, then, is the first issue of this Board News. You will still see the minutes on-line once approved. We hope you enjoy reading what happens “around the table”.

Richard Solomon, Bridge Development Officer,

New Zealand Bridge.


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