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Daily Bridge in New Zealand
for Junior, Intermediate and Novice players...and others. It's Fri Day.
I had a dream!
Well, that’s not what you should do at the bridge table, not even in retrospect about a deal! With only our side vulnerable, it was my turn to bid in second position as East after North had passed. I looked at the vulnerability, at whom I was likely to be pre-empting, my poor suit and lack of quick tricks and passed. Would you?
West |
North |
East |
South |
Pass |
? |
South opened 1 and my partner bid 1NT. North tried 2 and now I bid 3. Partner had a few thoughts but finally passed as did our opponents.
I became declarer in 3 and with true meaning thanked partner for their dummy after South had led 7. While 1NT was not a perfect description of the West hand, there really was nothing better. Double might have worked though what would West bid when East bid clubs?! At least now, I had bid the suit voluntarily.
North Deals |
I won A and led J with North playing Q. The first trick was very royal as my king was taken by South’s ace. South continued with a lower diamond which I won and ruffed a third diamond with 9 with South overruffing with 10. Let’s look at all four hands.
North Deals |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Pass |
Pass |
1 ♥ |
1 NT |
2 ♥ |
3 ♣ |
All pass |
South had only one safe exit card, their remaining small trump. I won to play the heart from my hand. South was now truly fixed. If they won A, I would discard two spades on KQ and make 10 tricks. If they ducked and my Q scored, I would lose one spade (along with 2 trumps) and make 10 tricks another way: + 130. A great board for East-West to record a plus score though another and perhaps easier way was to pass 2! Surely, opposite a strong no-trump in partner’s hand, a 7-card suit can be bid at some point! Nationwide, +130 was around an 80% score.
Then, reality struck. I had fallen at the first hurdle! Yes, I had opened 3 and who could blame West for trying 3NT. They were a little fortunate with the lead of a low diamond from North but even then, with careful play, could only manage 1 down, still a fair 40% score as many East-Wests suffered a worse fate.
There are hands to be aggressive when one has a seven card suit and there are hands one should use the “pass” card, at unfavourable vulnerability. I wish I had followed my instincts and bid as in my dream.
Richard Solomon