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Daily Bridge in New Zealand

Regional President, Mairi Fitzsimons at the prize-giving. 

In memory of Zelda.

The 10A Zelda Morris Central Districts Pairs was held on the 29th and 30th of October at the Havelock North Bridge Club.

Club President, Graham Potter, welcomed players from 14 different clubs and read a message from Zelda’s son, Allan Morris (the Chair of NZ Bridge).

“Each year I have a desire to play this event. I am proud that the region saw it fit to recognize my mum. Regrettably this year I will be lying in a hospital bed, fortunately nothing serious. Hopefully next year I will be with you.

This year had my mum been alive she would have been 108. She would also have been playing the game she loved for 100 years. She was a very competent player who would have been proud to observe the quality of the game and the way bridge is played.

I hope you have a great weekend, that you play well, and to those who finish on top- congratulations!”

The following report of the event has been received:

“There were three sessions of bridge, and the Sunday morning session start was delayed until 10.30am, so that players could watch the All Blacks win the World Cup. The Sky Broadcast and muffins were provided at the club from 7.45 am. (not everything goes according to plan!)

World cup 23.jpg  

After play on Sunday, lunch was served, and the speeches and prizegiving followed.

Director at work 

 Murray Wiggins 23.jpg
Mairi Fitzsimons, speaking on behalf of the Central Districts Bridge Committee, commended the club for their hospitality and shared some of her memories of Zelda. Graham thanked Murray Wiggins (NZB Chief Director) for directing, Milton Andrews for their sponsorship, tournament secretary Sue Johnstone for her organization, Robyn Orton for the food and all the many the other members who had contributed to the success of the weekend.

                The caterers..and their produce

       caterers at Zelda Morris 23.jpg

The prize list read like a who’s who of New Zealand bridge. The winner was Scott Smith (left) and his once-a-year partner, Michael Ware from Thames. Jack James and George Masters were 2nd and John Patterson and Kate Davies were 3rd. Session prize winners were Alan Grant and Anthony Ker, Blair and Liz Fisher and Wayne Burrows and Andrei Sharko.”

Scott Smith 23.jpg Jack James George Masters 23.jpg John and Kate 23.jpg 
  Scott Smith                       Jack James and George Masters               John Patterson and Kate Davies

The winners, Scott Smith and Michael Ware, collected a clear top on this board. Let’s initially follow the bidding through the eyes of West, Michael Ware. 

Bridge in NZ.png nz map.jpg

South Deals
E-W Vul


10 7 5 2

A K 4

K 9

K 7 4 2





















Would you bid at this point? 2Heart-small was a Weak 2.

With a minimum opener and the wrong shape if his partner chose diamonds, Michael passed. So did North but East, Scott, bid 4Spade-small. Michael now felt he owed Scott a bid as his hand had improved considerably. He tried 4NT Key Card and got a 5Club-small response, 1 or 4 key cards. Not wanting to punish Scott for perhaps being aggressive in bidding 4Spade-small, he bid 5Spade-small, knowing Scott would raise with 4 key cards.

This Scott duly did bidding 6Spade-small, showing 4 key cards but denying a side-suit king. Michael, though, was not finished. He could surely count 6 spade tricks and two tricks in each other suit. He was prepared to gamble that a 13th trick would appear from somewhere. The final bid of the auction was thus 7NT. North led Heart-small10 and Michael could only count to 12 (less had South Spade-smallQ94) but there were plenty of chances for the 13th.

South Deals
E-W Vul


10 7 5 2

A K 4

K 9

K 7 4 2








A K J 8 6 3

A J 6

A J 8 6
















4 ♠


4 NT


5 ♣


5 ♠


6 ♠


7 NT

All pass



He won the opening lead, ran spades (South had 2 spades) and needed something good to happen in one of the minors. With the Club-smallQ more likely to appear in 2 rounds than the Diamond-smallQ, he tried two top clubs keeping the diamond finesse in reserve as his last chance. When the Club-smallQ fell singleton, he had 13 top tricks. No other pair made it higher than 6Spade-small.

South Deals
E-W Vul
10 8 7 2
10 8 3 2
10 9 5 3
10 7 5 2
A K 4
K 9
K 7 4 2
W   E
A K J 8 6 3
A J 6
A J 8 6
Q 4
Q J 9 6 5 3
Q 7 5 4
West North East South
Michael   Scott  
Pass Pass 4  Pass
4 NT Pass 5  Pass
5  Pass 6  Pass
7 NT All pass    

Thanks to Havelock North club member, Mary Simonsen, for the above report.

Richard Solomon 

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