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A "Grand" Hand.
I was curious why recently most of a relatively small field in a tournament failed to advance higher than game when it seemed the main problem would be reaching grand rather than small slam. The hand you will see below is rather good and the hand opposite it was significantly bad. It seems a touch of interference may have got in the way of advancing to a level higher than game.
So, what would your next action be with the following? Come on, we all know this is the kind of hand we long for every time we look at our 2 or 3 counts:
West |
North |
East |
South |
Pass |
Pass |
2 ♣ |
2 ♠ |
Pass |
3 ♠ |
? |
2 is what you expect and partner had nothing to say over 2, or are they lying in wait for a re-opening double? The latter seems less likely when East raises spades.
Let’s hear from our Panel, whose ranks are a little depleted at present by events in Marrakech.
Bruce Anderson “Double: What else? Obviously partner has little or nothing in high cards but if he/she has 5 trumps and passes, that must be good for our side. And over 4 I will bid 4, hoping partner has at least 3 of that suit.”
I agree about partner having 5 spades but if they really have nothing, can they really put together a hand this good when you bid 4? “What else?” Well, this for starters as our next Panellist also sees no alternative to a different bid:
Stephen Blackstock “4: Hoping that this shows a 2-suiter with + minor, as (1) 2 does. Nothing else appeals. 4 is not forcing. 4 gets my suit lengths tangled, and while pass (yes I know it sounds silly) is not immediately damaging because it is forcing, but doesn't lead anywhere. I don't like double at all, even if it is take- out and not penalties (questionable). What is North supposed to do with, say, xxx xx xxxx xxxx, or xxxx xxx xxx xxx? He will likely pass for lack of anywhere to go, and on a good day we get +100. We may not even beat 3.”
Indeed, surely the strong hand has to be the “leader” here. If you can find a trump fit, then North really only needs 13 cards to make a small slam with our best fit as trumps.
Agreeing is:
Nigel Kearney “4: Hearts and a minor. Even without that agreement I expect partner will guess correctly that I have this hand type.and enough strength for at least the five level. Once we have found the best trump suit, I can bid on.”
Leon agrees with this bid although not quite the meaning, and as long as he does not want to teach the opponents a lesson. I think we really should assume here that the spade overcall and raise are sensible:
Leon Meier “4: For me, it depends on who my opposition are, if they are people who readily pre-empt over 2 with not much and raise light then I am likely to double."(for penalties?)
" I believe that we will take 3 enough light if I double and my partner passes for it to be worth it. However, I will bid 4, which should indicate that I have a slammish+ hand with two suits, potentially both minors but when partner bids 5, I will bid 6 and if partner bids 5 I will bid 6 also, which should indicate that my two suits are hearts and clubs.”
All fine but perhaps 4NT would show both minors?
Back though where we started:
Andy Braithwaite “ Double: Cannot see any other bid than double which is take-out when opponents bid and support.”
Well, the auction is not over and all is not lost even if partner bids 4. However, the concept of 4 showing hearts and a minor appeals.
Although, North might find it rather strange to be declarer in 6, that would seem to be where the auction would have headed:
North Deals |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Pass |
Pass |
2 ♣ |
2 ♠ |
Pass |
3 ♠ |
4 ♠ |
Pass |
5 ♥ |
Pass |
5 ♠ |
Pass |
6 ♥ |
All pass |
Having the weak hand as declarer should be no drawback this time. 5 looked to see if North had anything to offer on the way to 6. I cannot believe they would show the doubleton club though with a fair trump suit, just perhaps the doubleton would be what South was looking for. Of course, were either opponent to hold Qxxx, or there to be a less friendly trump break, then grand slam may prove impossible
Reaching 6 should be normal and it does not matter who is declarer. Were South to double, and North to reluctantly bid 4, South could drive on to slam, a little luckily. 4 after 3 seems to better indicate what South really does hold.
Richard Solomon