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Daily Bridge in New Zealand

Which Way Ahead?

We have a hand which in view of partner’s bidding may be best to bid to 3NT but also might be good for a diamond slam, what with all our aces. How to tread the middle line keeping both options open? That is the question. We are playing Teams and so finishing in a making 5Diamond-small instead of 3NT may cost us an imp or 2 but would not be critical. So..

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A Q 3

A 8 3

8 7 5 4 3











2 ♣











We asked the Panel what they thought of our bidding so far and where they would go next?

Every deal is more suited to some systems than others and a situation like the above is certainly better handled by a 2 over 1 system where 3Diamond-small by North after 2Diamond-small would be 100% forcing to game. For the many who do not adopt this approach, another bid has to be found: hence 2Heart-small. So, what did the Panel think of our approach so far..and where to next?

Michael Ware “4Diamond-small: Happy with bidding so far. It's looking like partner has short clubs, my hand is awesome. "Unanimous surely?"

I am happy with the above comment but will the last piece be proven correct?

Nigel Kearney “3NT: (oops, sorry, Michael!) It's an awkward hand. The 2Club-small response looks normal but I don't really like it. When we move towards slam in diamonds, partner will misevaluate, thinking a singleton club is bad and something like Qx or KJx is good. I would have preferred a response that shows a good diamond raise (e.g., 2Diamond-small or 2NT) even if that normally contains four diamonds.

 Having responded 2Club-small, 2Heart-small next is fine. The cheapest forcing bid is often used to mark time, and partner will understand that. Now I am just going to bid 3NT. Even 5Diamond-small could be too much opposite a junky 2452 and, since I didn't bid 3NT directly over 2Diamond-small, partner has the option of continuing with a suitable hand. The alternative is 4Diamond-small as we need to set the trump suit.”

Stephen Blackstock “3NT: Easy and straightforward. I'm certainly not wandering off to the four level opposite a hand that might still be a poor minimum. Of course, if South holds Spade-smallKxx Heart-smallKJxx Diamond-smallKQxxx Club-smallx we belong in slam, but he won't be excited by that even if I stretch to 4Diamond-small now.

A forcing 3Diamond-small over 2Diamond-small (if available) will leave us in much the same position. In the good old days, I could bid 2NT over 1Diamond-small to show a strong no trump. It seldom came up but was a godsend when it did: describing a strong no trump opposite an opening bid is otherwise nigh on impossible given the space constraints.”

Bruce Anderson “3NT:  I don’t like the bidding so far. Instead of reversing into a non- existent suit, I would have bid 3NT over partner’s rebid of 2Diamond-small. We could then miss a diamond slam but partner will need gold; a strong diamond suit and both major suit kings, and a singleton club; it is very unlikely they have suppressed strong club support.

Now, if I bid 4Diamond-small, partner might well think this slam interest in hearts, rather than strong support for his/her suit. And if partner has 4 hearts, which is likely, he/she may well keep “correcting’ to hearts when I bid diamonds. 3NT must send the message I don’t have 4 hearts and should be passed, although as previously said a diamond slam could missed. The hand is an excellent example of how natural systems like Acol struggle to deal with an average opening bid opposite a strong responding hand. The moral: play 2/1!
Yet, Michael does have some support and it looks like once we have forced with 2Heart-small, then 4Diamond-small now is definitely a slam try…and hopefully in diamonds.

Kris Wooles “4Diamond-small:
suit agreement and forcing. Could easily make a slam in diamonds. Things are a little blurry of course after my 2Club-small bid where none of my values lie.”

Michael Cornell “4Diamond-small: Not playing 2/1 I cannot see what else one could do up to this point. If 4Diamond-small is forcing ( I am not familiar with these antediluvian methods ! ),  I would bid that, otherwise I will bid 5 and probably make 6.”

Leon Meier “4D: Interesting hand. Partner’s most likely hand shape is  

3451 but could be 2461 or 2452. Do we play that 3Diamond-small is forcing or non- forcing?  and non- forcing if 2Diamond-small was forcing. (for most, not playing 2 over 1, 2Diamond-small simply shows a weak hand) so presuming that 2Diamond-small was non forcing and we could have bid a forcing 3Diamond-small, I would have bid that instead of 2Heart-small. But now we have bid 2Heart-small, I hope partner can be convinced we don't actually have hearts. Give partner:




Club-small x

and we are cold for slam; that's an 11 count. I'm definitely making a slam try here and bidding 4Diamond-small. Let's hope partner thinks that's a slam try agreeing diamonds. If they bid 4Heart-small, I'd be too worried they think we are in hearts and I'll just bid 6Diamond-small. If they bid 4Spade-small, I'll key-card.


Andy seems happy:

Andy Braithwaite “3Spade-small: My bidding is fine for now as 2Heart-small is game forcing and does not necessarily show 4 hearts. So, 3Heart-small shows 9 or 10 cards in the reds.

I would now bid 3Spade-small to find out if partner holds Spade-smallK. If I get 3NT, I continue with 4Diamond-small to set that suit but deny a club control. Partner should work out whether to play 6Diamond-small or 5Diamond-small from there.


If I don’t get 3NT, I have to give up in 5Diamond-small unless partner bids 4Club-small on the way.”


Wayne Burrows “3Spade-small: Short of having an immediate response like 2NT to show a game forcing balanced hand, there does not seem to be any sensible alternative to 2Club-small on the first round. Nevertheless, some old fashioned Terence Reese advice was to not bid bad suits on good hands. So, it would be good to have some alternative. Not sure I would do it at the table but if I have a forcing diamond raise, that might be better than 2Club-small.
1Diamond-small 2Club-small 2Diamond-small 2NT forcing (to game) would be my preferred agreement after 2Diamond-small with this hand. On the second round, I am not a fan of bidding three card suits, especially majors, when partner might have four card support.

I really need to know the partnership style from this point to make a sensible call here. I seem hamstrung by our methods earlier in the auction. New suit bids sound like cue-bids but I will try 3Spade-small and hope to survive and suggest diamonds later.
Over 3Spade-small, I anticipate problems if partner has the hoped for club shortage which might be necessary for slam as many play that partner cannot cue a shortage in partner's long suit. That highlights the problems with the initial response of 2Club-small with this hand.”

So, sign off in 3NT or bid on a little optimistically. However, there was an additional problem for those in 3NT…and the problem was not now that of the declaring side:

South Deals
None Vul


A Q 3

A 8 3

8 7 5 4 3

K 8 5 3 2

6 5 4

10 5

J 10 2








10 6 4

J 7 2

9 2

A K Q 9 6


J 9 7

K 10 9 8

K Q J 7 6 4











2 ♣












Even bidding to 5Diamond-small might have been a big winner on this board. Those in 6Diamond-small did even better. Those in 3NT had to hold their breath as the defence tried to untangle 5 club tricks. That’s easy with a low club at trick 1 and after North’s club call, there are grounds for doing so. If East starts high, West should throw Club-smallJ and trust their partner plays them for Club-small10: if not, then a rather ugly 3NT will make. 3NT made 32 times and failed on 8 occasions.
The two pairs in 5Diamond-small and two more in 6Diamond-small deserved a better result.

Richard Solomon

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